Libra Season
I found this when I typed in “Libra” on Google Images but the page I took it from no longer exists, so I can’t credit the author. But know that it wasn’t me.
Finally, my soul is nourished. We are out of the wretched season of summer (although, for once, I had a great summer) and have entered into my favorite season: fall. Fall is wonderful because it means we're just that much closer to November, which means we're that much closer to Scorpio season, where I reach my full power (I'm only half joking).
Early October is also known as Libra season. I'm still very much an Astrology novice (I didn't really start getting into astrology until COVID tbh), but Libras are known to be huge flirts (which IMO, sets the scene well for Scorpio season--and Scorpios are known to be the most sexual sign of the zodiac) and strive to seek balance in their lives. I've heard it said that Libras stand for everything, but they also stand for nothing. In a Libra's attempt to have a "balanced" life, they can end up in people-pleaser territory. On the other hand, Libras are known to be very gifted and skilled mediators. They are as charming as it gets, and often make great leaders.
Pic I took from Oct 4, 2020. I visited Sleepy Hallow, NY that day with my pals Drew and Sabrina.
For those who don't know much about Astrology, in addition to your star sign (sign your born as), your rising sign (how you appear to others), and your moon sign (who you "truly" are) there are different house placements, based on planetary alignment. This article explains house placements really well. Your star sign is based on purely what month you're born, and everything else is calculated by when and where you were born.
Anyway, my Libra is in Jupiter, which is my 12th house. As this article in Cosmo says, Jupiter is the planet of luck, fortune, success, and generosity. Libras are known for being great leaders, partially because of their charisma, but mostly because of their propensity to hear everyone out. They're naturally inclined to see both sides of a situation. It is both a blessing and a curse. However, Libras get away with a lot, because they're incredibly likable and magnetizing.
However, I have to admit, I have been questioning how likable I am during this period of immense change. It can be hard to be your best self when there are countless obstacles in your way. Currently, I'm in my Saturn return. In astrology, a Saturn Return symbolizes a massive period of change in one's life.
It occurs when they reach "full adult hood", then "middle age", then "old age". Not all people live to see their third saturn returns. Now, saturn returns are jam-packed with changes designed to challenge you: moving, occur, change in career, marriage, kids, losses, separations, and death. Besides the marriage and kids part, all of these are things I've experienced an abundance of in the last year.
I’m not going to lie. I’ve had some profound losses (besides, y’know, millions of people dying because of COVID). My dog died at the beginning of the pandemic. I lost two relatives to COVID within the span of three weeks. My best friend and I of ten years broke up. Another close friend and collaborator of mine parted ways. I fled Philadelphia early on in COVID six months after arriving, and I left behind a nightmare living situation. I had a series of men that I was “dating” ghost me, which honestly made me feel like shit. I got rejected from four grad schools. I lost more money than I could afford to on my last trip to LA. I got laid off at my job last week.
I’ve also had some great gains. I made new friends phonebanking with Misfits for Democracy that have been so wonderful, to say the least. Over COVID, I reconnected with a lot of people that I hadn’t talked to in years. Same goes for this summer—I traveled more this summer than I ever have before, and saw some old friends that I really, really missed. I went to Colorado and Provincetown for the first time, and they were both lovely. I got into a grad school program after several rejections, and I was given a scholarship too. I’ve gotten paid more to write this year than in my entire career. I’m directing my first short film in a few weeks. For the first time, I’ve made enough money where I’ve been able to pay my rent ahead of time (but don’t get it twisted, I am still not doing that great financially).
In short, I feel changed. I feel so drastically different than I did before COVID. And while I know astrology is fake, it makes me wonder: if astrology is fake, why does it feel so right all of the time? Perhaps saturn returns aren’t actually real, but it feels real enough to me, that it might as well be real. If the shoe fits, I guess.
All of this is to say, as of right now my cup runneth over. In some ways it's been good, in other ways, it's been really difficult. I now understand why my close friendships with others who went to grad school have been strained while they were in school. Working and being in grad school is a different world. It’s harder than almost anything I’ve ever done.
Going back to school, going pretty much full freelance, moving...all of these things feel like a major part of my Saturn return. I feel the Libra in my 12th house inside me asking intense things like: will everyone like me? and If people say they like me, how do I know they’re being honest? How do I find the balance between standing up for others, and standing up for myself? How do I be there for others when I have so much going on? -- it can get really disorienting.
All of this is to say, Astrology or no Astrology, sometimes it can be genuinely difficult to know if when we’re going through hard times if we’re getting closer to going after what we want in life, or if we’re getting farther away from it. To a certain extent, my Saturn return has felt like two steps forward, two steps back. It can be hard to rationalize and make sense of these things, which is why Astrology exists in the first place: to provide answers when there don’t seem to be any apparent ones making themselves known.
Anyway, this got heavy. All of this to say, TGIF (Thank God It’s Fall) and for now, people are more accepting of my pumpkin Halloween shirt (which I wear year round), my generally spooky demeanor, and interest in the occult. This is a forced segway, but perhaps a Halloween gift (a treat? if you will?) to me, I would greatly appreciate it if you donated to my production company, Unattended Baggage’s Givebutter Campaign. This will help us raise funds for our Season Of Comedy.
We’re trying to raise almost $9k for four really exciting projects and could really use some support. I cannot stress how much I hate asking for money, but your dollars will go to paying artists and interns first. And believe me, we really need it. So please consider donating and/or sharing our campaign.
Cardi B, a famous Libra.