Super Short Site Specific Festival

Six plays written and performed (mostly) in 24 hours on the streets of Midtown East, hosted by everyone’s favorite eccentric aunt, Aunt Linda.

Concept by Sean Pollock

Produced by Sean Pollock, Alyssa Berdie, and Drew Weinstein

Plays by Adi Eshman, Catherine Weingarten, James Wyrwicz, Sean Pollock, Sammi Miller and Amelia Marino

Directed by Anna Schultz, Max Freidman, Hana Mastrogiacomo and Drew Weinstein

Featuring Anna Rock, Sammi Miller, Amelia Marino, Dean Tierney, Joe Goldman, Elizabeth Berkman, Thomas Headlund, Brenna Grace Nobel, Andrew Rubenbauer, and James Healy

Photography by Megan Hooley


Site Specific production on the streets of Midtown East, NYC (2018).