Synopsis: Cowl Girl always wears a Batman cowl, masking herself from the outside world. Will her friend, Jason and the intriguing nephew of her arch-enemy, Alex, be able to get her to break out of her shell? If you like 80's pop culture, Pee-wee Herman, sci-fi, and comic book heroes, then this is the show for you! This is a love letter to kids who grew up in the 80's and remember what real cartoons, music, and super heroes were like back in the day. 

Written and Produced by Anna Capunay

Directed and Designed by Sean Pollock

General Management by Anna Marcus-Hecht

Stage Management and Assistant Direction by Gregory Lipson

Assistant Stage Management/Puppeteering by Ella Lloyd

PR by Jay Michaels Global Communication

Marketing by Nick Turturro

Lighting Design by Bruce A! Kramer

Assistant Scenic Design by Danis Zhang

Co-Costume Design by Yessina Rivas

Puppetry Design by Dan Jones

Intimacy Coordination by Katlyn Shaw

Fight Choreography by Meron Langsner

Principal Photography and Additional Graphic design by Jonaya Riley


Production, Players Theatre/Unattended Baggage (2023).

Workshop, LIU Brooklyn/Unattended Baggage (2022).