“LaundryFest is the latest addition to our site-responsive productions, including our long-running Communal Spaces community garden play festival and our winter series, Intimate Bar Plays. Unlike the gardens and the bars of our other festivals, the laundromat is not built for leisure; it is a space for chores, a place where people come to do work, and yet it also fosters community and connection - our laundromats, like our bodegas or our playgrounds, are all familiar and yet uniquely our own. We belong to these spaces, and they belong to us, and our neighborhoods thrive because we come together and spend time with one another, even when we're busy. LaundryFest is a celebration of chores, of work, and of New York and New Yorkers".
-Lillian Meredith, Artistic Director of the Motor Company
Concept by Sean Pollock
Directed by Phoebe Padgett, Lillian Meredith, NJ Agwana, David Kahwaii
Curated by Sean Pollock and Lillian Meredith
Produced by Jessica Schmidt with The Motor Company
Incidental music composed by Andrew Porter
Stage Managed by Anna Jensen and Lillian Rider
Choreography for Duo:Trio by Billy Recce by Miles Guiterrez-Riley
Assistant Direction for Duo:Trio by Billy Recce by Emily Macardle
Plays by Billy Reece, Ben Holbrook, Cherry Sy and Sean Pollock
Featuring Jonathan Dingle-El, Carol Mazhuvancheril, Bear Spiegel, Teagan Ronis, Niara Sena, Joseph Nasta, Joseph Fulton, Madalyn Baker, Sarah Lazarus, Victoria Duffy, Jamaal Anthony and Jarielle Uter.
Photography by Ben Holbrook
Site-Specific production at The Soap Box, Brooklyn, NYC (2018).